Monday, January 15, 2007

What About That Snow??

WOW!! What a week hey? The worst blizzard in like 50 years... haha, it was unbelievable, Magestic, Frightening, Awesome! Nature and God never cease to amaze me. We had one of the worst snow storms in 25 years and we survived! With very little damage, schools only closed for a day, citizens out it the cold just so they can help everyone get home safe. Isn't it wonderful how communities come together in times of need. It brings a smile to my heart listening to everyone's Blizzard stories of people helping people, when all you want to do yourself is just get home, but you know that that car in front of you that is stuck needs you to get out of your nice warm vehicle into the freezing winds and snow. God Bless all of you angels out there!!

I have no significant Blizzard stories, It just took me an extra hour to drive the 15 minutes home. But it was scary none the less, it was like driving and not having a clue as to where you are on the road, if there were any cars around you... I just hope I never have to do it again.

Eric on the other hand was thrilled with the snow, and doesn't understand why he can't play in it. I will let him bundle up and build a fort or whatever when its a bit warmer.

I had the opportunity to clear my dads sidewalk, I believe it took Kitrina and I about 2,5 hours to clear the snow. My dad is off in Texas for a bit of a holiday this month and kindly bought a snowblower for us to use is his absense, I'm not sure what possessed him to buy it this year, but boy am I glad he did, because if it took 2.5 hours with a snowblower, without it I'm afraid that we'd still be out there shoveling. Now were was my community then??? :) just kidding.

As for my week, its been fairly laid back, I'm still loving work. Just for the record, I am not a permanent employee it is just a temporary job at AREVA. But it is the most wonderful place that I have ever worked. My collegues are great, the position is challenging... everything I could ask for in a career. So keep praying! And for my Australian friend, I am actually positioned in Canada, Saskatoon SK, so any family or friends that may have read his comments, I have not packed up and moved to France, however if the opportunity should arise, I would not turn down the offer.

I could babble on and on but I think that's enough for this week.


BringOnTheChaoticalBliss said...


LOL I love the snow, but I certainly didn't like having to shovel myself out three times on the way home, let alone the countless others that I helped. Nearly got snow stormed at work too! Now tell me how much THAT would've sucked! LOL :) Snowstormed out by the airport..without literally ANYTHING around me. Hahaha Than GOD He got me home safely enough. May have taken me 2 1/2 hours but it was worth it. :)

Ooooh Oooooh! Idea time! Eric and I could totally build a snow family together! That's right...your baby and me can make babies together! Wow..Now that just sounded creepy. Lol I think this is the moment where I'm suppose to go ANNNNNNYYYYWWWAAAY, and pretend like I didn't just sound all creepy. Lol :) Anyway, the whole point to all that was to say that every year I build a snowman family, and I haven't done it this year yet. LOL! There, now THAT sounded MUCH better. Lol :) Anyway, I really have yapped on long enough and not made much I'll just shut it now. Haha Take care and love you two lots and lots!

Love Your Possibly Craziest Friend,
Kristy-Gail :)

Pamela said...

Hey Rebecca!

I'm glad to hear that you are enjoying your job! It is important to love what you do!

Have you gotten to go meet that new cousin of ours??? I was there when they came home from the hospital on Sunday. I just posted pictures on my blog so go have a look!

Love you!