Saturday, December 16, 2006

So here it is my first blog posting. I'm not sure what people are expecting me to say, but there isn't much about me. Right now life is pretty good. I am blessed with a wonderful son who can't tell me he loves me enough times in a day, and who is also taking up much of my time right now.

I am in the process of decorating a birthday cake. Every year for the last 9 years, I have been making myself crazy trying to create the perfect birthday party for a kid who could care less about all the details. All he wants are his friends around and a cake. However once a few years back we made the mistake of throwing 2 parties, a small one for his friends, and a family one on his real birthday which is the 23rd of December which is yes, 2 days before Christmas and none of his friends are ever around.

So anyway back to my story..... a few years ago we started the 2 party thing and now it is a tradition... so not only 1 birthdya party during the Christmas holidays but 2. But you know, it kind of has to be this way. One because Eric's family is so big and there just isn't anywhere we could all go with all of Eric's friends as well and two, well because my parents are divorced and both of them in the same place at the same time isn't what I'd call a good party. So anyway yeah we started this tradition of two parties, and this year it was just expected, or should I say demanded that there be a celebration with family members on the day of his birthday. Well when Eric has his mind made up its sometimes tough to change it (especially when it comes to something important to him like his birthday and family).

This actually works out very good for everyone involved. My mom who just purchased a new home jumped at the chance of showing off her new place and she loves her grandson so anything to make him happy. So now I am in the process of decorating a cake (with the help of a very inexperienced cake decorator and best friend) and it turned out really really cute. It is a nutcracker cake and it took us all afternoon today to decorate, just so that 10 little kids can eat it. Yep the things we do, and then planning the food, well for the pool party the boys are getting pizza because that's easy, and the adult party.... ha that is where you go all out and no one even cares, so this year the idea came to me from Eric's other grandmother to make it a potluck event. So I am trying to make a meal plan and allocate dishes, which saves me work the day of, but makes life a little more complicated when you're not sure who's exactly coming.

So that is my life this week! I will right again and let you all know how the parties turned out.